Premiere Elements 2.0 Tip O'The Day: The Workbar Shortcuts
This tip was posted over on the official boards but it's too good to let hide over there.
Special thanks go out to Ken Jarstad for dropping this in our lap. Nicely done!
You can set the workbar position wherever you need it to be by moving the CTI to the in point(the starting point for your needs), press ALT-[ now drag the CTI to where you want the out point (the ending point for your needs) and press ALT-]. Now the workbar should be right where you need it most. This sure beats playing hide and seek looking for the end point of the work bar on long projects. Plus, don't forget that by double clicking anywhere on the workbar area it automatically extends the full length of your progect.
Special thanks go out to Ken Jarstad for dropping this in our lap. Nicely done!